April 22, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. While celebrations honoring this pivotal event in our nation’s environmental history have happened every year, with COVID-19 and a worldwide heath pandemic, this year looks a little different.
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Recycling’s Evolution: Past and Present
Recycling is prominent in our communities and our businesses. Annually, Cuyahoga County diverts more than 1.4 million tons of waste from landfills through recycling, composting and other waste reduction. Today, our focus at the District is to help residents understand the importance of recycling properly and its limits.
Read moreEarth Day Reflections and the Environment
The outrage that sparked environmental change in the 1970’s can also spark the change we need now, 49 years later, to address current problems of plastic pollution, climate change and the rollback of our environmental laws.
Read moreWaste Problem Driven By Economics
We all need to be aware of the impact of our waste but we also need to be aware that we will not recycle our way out of our waste problem. There are limits to recycling. As a result, recycling properly is more important than ever. We can’t put trash into our recycling bins and wish it will all get recycled.
Read moreCompany Finds a Way to Recycle the Un-Recyclable
Terracycle is remarkable because they have found ways to recycle difficult packaging like baby food pouches and contact lens wrappers. Plus, they are driving manufacturers to be more responsible for the packaging waste they create.
Read moreThe Scrap Tire Puzzle
Maybe this is you. Winter is coming, your tires are bald. You head to your local big box store in
Read moreLitter: Woodsy Owl and the First Environmental Lesson You Ever Learned
Think for a minute and try to remember the first environmental lesson you ever learned. If you are of a
Read moreWhere Did All The Cleveland Drop-Off Recycling Bins Go?
Recently, the District has received many calls from people wondering what happened to their neighborhood drop-off recycling bin. They are
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