There are recycling questions we hear regularly from residents. Engaging with the public is one of the most important things that we do because it allows us to clear up confusion about recycling, settle family debates about certain items, and encourage better habits for waste reduction and recycling. Here are answers to the top questions our staff has answered.
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Sustainable Holidays: Disposal of Plants and Greenery
Plants such as poinsettias, garlands and wreaths are purchased or gifted for the holidays. Some people choose to throw them away and buy new next year. Instead, consider adding holiday plants and greenery to your backyard compost pile.
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How Clean Is Clean? What it Really Means to Be Empty, Clean and Dry
Not all things are suitable for curbside recycling. In Cuyahoga County, only five items belong: Cans, cartons, glass bottles and jars, paper and boxes plus plastic bottles and jugs. And there are best practices to recycling right. One best practice is to make sure that your curbside recyclables are empty, clean and dry.
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On The Trail: Less Waste and Litter Free
As the weather warms, more people will be making trips to their local trails and parks. Simply thinking ahead can help you avoid situations in which it seems necessary to litter or improperly dispose of trash while enjoying trails and parks. Each small change you make helps to create a better and more sustainable future.
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Make a Sustainable Fashion Statement
Over the past year, for many people, working from home led to a shift in their daily wardrobes, which may have changed the need for seasonal wardrobe updates. As we begin the new year, let’s talk about sustainable fashion. It’s a good time to rethink the way we consume and interact with fashion.
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Ho-Ho-Holiday Packaging… Can It Be Recycled?
You’re probably doing a lot of online holiday shopping this year. The many deliveries are creating lots of packaging in your home. So, what to do with all those boxes and envelopes? Packaging materials are incredibly diverse. Can the holiday packaging be recycled? Consider which items can be recycled at home or at a drop-off, reused or placed in the trash.
Before recycling or throwing these items away, consider trying to reuse them.
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Social Distancing? How To Celebrate Earth Day This April
April 22, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. While celebrations honoring this pivotal event in our nation’s environmental history have happened every year, with COVID-19 and a worldwide heath pandemic, this year looks a little different.
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Remember to #BYOBags, Cuyahoga
Choose to use reusable bags every time you shop. Cuyahoga County passed a county-wide ban on plastic bags that goes into effect on January 1, 2020. The ban prohibits grocery, retail and convenience stores from providing disposable bags at checkout.
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Why You Shouldn’t Pay Attention to the Number on Plastic Packaging
Resin codes identify the chemicals used to make plastic packaging. Developed by the plastics industry, they were never intended to be a consumer communications or education tool.
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Earth Day Reflections and the Environment
The outrage that sparked environmental change in the 1970’s can also spark the change we need now, 49 years later, to address current problems of plastic pollution, climate change and the rollback of our environmental laws.
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