Recycling is prominent in our communities and our businesses. Annually, Cuyahoga County diverts more than 1.4 million tons of waste from landfills through recycling, composting and other waste reduction. Today, our focus at the District is to help residents understand the importance of recycling properly and its limits.
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Earth Day Reflections and the Environment
The outrage that sparked environmental change in the 1970’s can also spark the change we need now, 49 years later, to address current problems of plastic pollution, climate change and the rollback of our environmental laws.
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Keys to Workplace Recycling Success
Challenges arise when many departments in universities, hospitals and corporations become involved in the process. They may choose and place recycling containers and signage that are aesthetically pleasing. But, even though the containers are attractive, the system will fail because the keys to success were not followed.
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New Year’s Resolve to Follow the 4R’s
It’s time to follow through on those new year resolutions. Resolve to try the four Rs in 2019: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”
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Holiday Recycling Best Practices
Americans generate 25 percent more garbage betweenThanksgiving and New Year’s Day than at any other time of year. Cardboard containers, paperboard boxes, wrapping paper, metal tins and Styrofoam™ packing materials all are part of the holiday recycling conundrum. Make sure you know which items are naughty and which are nice when it comes to making your home green for the holidays.
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Holiday Cardboard Recycling Tips
A USA Today analysis of several industry studies on cardboard use shows Americans are sending more corrugated cardboard to the landfill than to recycling plants compared to past years. Oftentimes the reason is poor cardboard recycling practices at the curb
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Thousands expected at Sewer District’s Open House September 15
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District once again opens the doors to help answer the age-old question, “Where Does It Go?” Join thousands of fellow water lovers on September 15 for the Sewer District’s Open House.
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11 Ideas for Greener Campus Living
Whether you’re moving away to college for the first time or you’re going back for another semester, you’ll want to make sure you remember to bring your good environmental habits from home to campus.
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Dogs Can’t Flush: Remember to Pick Up Poop (PUP)!
Dog poop is a contributor to many water quality problems, impacting not only local waterways but area beaches. When it rains, the runoff takes just about everything off the ground with it. Lawn chemicals, litter, road salt and debris, cigarette butts and bacteria from dog poop are just a few possible contaminants.
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Sustainable Cleveland’s Skip the Straw Campaign
The United States uses enough straws every day to wrap around the Earth’s circumference 2.5 times. According to the Ocean Conservancy, volunteers for the International al Coastline Cleanup have collected nine million straws and stirrers from beaches and waterway over the past 30 years.
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