People are looking to consume less and to remove clutter from their homes. Before you buy someone a gift, consider the environmental impacts and whether the recipient will find the item useful.
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Estate and House Cleanout Projects, A How-To Guide
You’ve acquired a home either through a purchase, as a gift, or as an inheritance. What is the best way to tackle estate or house cleanout projects?
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Make a Sustainable Fashion Statement
Over the past year, for many people, working from home led to a shift in their daily wardrobes, which may have changed the need for seasonal wardrobe updates. As we begin the new year, let’s talk about sustainable fashion. It’s a good time to rethink the way we consume and interact with fashion.
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Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, or Do Without
Could we reduce our waste by turning back the clock on some of our habits? Our grandparents lived by the popular slogan of that time, “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without” in the wake of the second world war. How can their actions inspire us today?
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Remember to #BYOBags, Cuyahoga
Choose to use reusable bags every time you shop. Cuyahoga County passed a county-wide ban on plastic bags that goes into effect on January 1, 2020. The ban prohibits grocery, retail and convenience stores from providing disposable bags at checkout.
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New Year’s Resolve to Follow the 4R’s
It’s time to follow through on those new year resolutions. Resolve to try the four Rs in 2019: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”
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Plan to Reduce Your Recycling Stress
Learn how to avoid last-minute recycling and disposal stress when you plan. Planning early, including finding answers for disposal and recycling options, gives you time and choices. We’ll show you how.
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MedWish: Medical Supplies Get a Second Life
MedWish accepts unused, unexpired medical supplies and usable equipment. These donations power the Cleveland-based nonprofit and have allowed shipments of medical supplies to reach those in need.
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How My Family Took a Vacation from Creating Extra Trash
My family and I decided to get-away for a few days and have a quick adventure. Our travels took us away from home for three days, which gave us plenty of opportunity to eat out and create waste.
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How to Reuse: 9 Resources for Learning More
Whether it’s sewing an old pair of jeans or patching a worn bike tire, it’s important to remember about reuse
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